Ethics in the Age of Telehealth: SELF-PACED ONLINE

Ethics in the Age of Telehealth: SELF-PACED ONLINE

The COVID-19 pandemic put the adaptation of technology in the behavioral health treatment into hyperdrive. Technology has brought about an era of incredible possibilities for enhancing that treatment. It has also brought with it a new era of ethical dilemmas that we did not face merely a decade ago. Social media and the internet have opened up our views of the world, and the world’s view of us; telehealth has become a common practice in almost every avenue of health care; and the fatigue from the use of all of this technology can be felt by providers. This 6 hour training will examine how technology is impacting our work and how we can respond to the uncertain situations that result. We will examine ethical considerations to protect clients when providing services through the use of technology as well as the necessary attention to provider self care as an element of our ethical obligation to the practice.