Opioid Use Disorder Resources for Families & Friends

Support from family and friends is crucial for individuals struggling with opioid use disorder.By fostering a supportive environment, loved ones play a crucial role in motivating their family member or friend to seek professional help, navigate treatment options, and remain committed to their recovery journey.

Father and son


SAMHSA’s National Helpline

SAMHSA's National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish). Call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or visit the website.

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline – Call. Text. Chat.

The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.

National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Information on how drugs affect the brain and body for teens, teachers, and parents.

Stop Overdose

To address the increasing number of overdose deaths related to both prescription opioids and illicit drugs, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) created a website to educate people who use drugs about the dangers of illicitly manufactured fentanyl, the risks and consequences of mixing drugs, the lifesaving power of naloxone, and the importance of reducing stigma around recovery and treatment options.

Behavioral Health Nevada

This website is a database of behavioral health providers in Nevada specializing in substance use disorder and co-occurring mental health disorder treatment services.  All agencies listed are Certified by the Division, SAPTA (Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency).

CASAT OnDemand

CASAT OnDemand delivers information and resources that will help you to provide high-quality, cutting edge treatment services, prevention programming, recovery support, maintenance, and other behavioral health-related services.

Tools & Resources

This website is a database of behavioral health providers in Nevada specializing in substance use disorder and co-occurring mental health disorder treatment services.  All agencies listed are Certified by the Division, SAPTA (Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Agency).
A list and map of Fentanyl Test Strip Distribution Sites in Nevada.
Find naloxone and overdose reversal medications in Nevada.
Infographics and step-by-step instructions.
Toll-free national overdose prevention, detection, life-saving crisis response and medical intervention services for people who use drugs while alone. Never Use Alone’s peer operators are available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
The PACT Coalition seeks to empower Southern Nevada with the resources to prevent substance misuse for all ages and promote recovery through culturally competent advocacy, education, stigma reduction, support, and outreach. A diverse cross-section of community leadership is represented by the PACT Coalition that will work together to ensure a sustainable future and a healthier community. PACT Coalition keeps an updated resource list for Southern Nevada.
Join Together Northern Nevada (JTNN) is a coalition based in Northern Nevada whose mission is to create a healthy drug-free community by building successful partnerships to support prevention education and outreach. JTNN keeps an updated resource list for Washoe County students, staff, and families.
Guides to opioid safety and how to use overdose reversal medications.
A text-based support and information system to help friends and family members of an individual misusing opioids.
Provides information on how opioids work, alternatives to pain medicine, the overdose reversal medication naloxone, a substance use disorder treatment finder, and submit concerns you have about a medical provider.
This toolkit provides guidance to a wide range of individuals on preventing and responding to an overdose. The toolkit also emphasizes that harm reduction and access to treatment are essential aspects of overdose prevention.
Improper prescription drug use is a serious public health issue. Storing and disposing of medications properly can help reduce harm.

Posters & Infographics

Implementing Evidence-Based Strategies to Reduce Overdose Risk during Reentry: A Primer for Reentry Professionals

Understanding Overdose Risk for People Reentering the Community: An Informational Guide for Families

This guide for families touches on the critical role families play in the recovery process and outlines practical ways families can support their loved ones in avoiding relapse and overdose during reentry.
Download the Guide
Opioid Trifold Brochures

Opioid Trifold Brochures

Opioid Information Brochures for Providers or Consumers help educate on opioids and opioid use, including effects of opioid use, pregnancy and opioid use, medications for opioid use including opioid overdose reversal medications, and treatment options for persons using opioids.
Download or request free hard copies
Stimulant Trifold Brochures

Stimulant Trifold Brochures

Stimulant Information Brochures for Providers or Consumers help educate on stimulants, including the effects of stimulants use, pregnancy and stimulant use, and treatment options for persons using stimulants.
Download or request free hard copies
Take Action to Prevent Addiction Learn how to reduce risk. Know the Facts About Opioids Talk With Your Doctor Your doctor may talk to you about prescription opioids for pain treatment. Ask about the risks and benefits so that you can work together to decide what is best. You can also ask your doctor to help you find other safer ways to manage pain. Every day in the United States, 41 people lose their lives to prescription opioid overdose. Prescription opioids—like hydrocodone, oxycodone, and morphine—can be prescribed by doctors to treat moderate to severe pain but can have serious risks and side effects. PEOPLE DIE 41EVERY DAY Opioids are highly addictive. Research shows that if you use opioids regularly, you may become dependent on them. That’s because opioids change how the brain and nervous system function. You can’t know how your brain will react to opioids before taking them. ANYONE CAN BECOME ADDICTED It Only Takes a Little to Lose a Lot Opioids affect the part of the brain that controls breathing. If you take too high a dose, it can slow your breathing and cause death. Opioids can be addictive and dangerous. Risks include misuse, addiction, and overdose. Combining opioids with alcohol and other drugs— like sleeping pills or cough medication —increases your chances of death.1 1 fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm518473.htm For those who might have an opioid use disorder, call SAMHSA’s National Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP. Start the Conversation Protect yourself and others by talking about your questions and concerns. Ask about nonopioid pain management options, addiction, and overdose risks. Talk with your doctor. Let them know that you care about them, and be patient and open when listening so that they feel heard and valued. Talk with your loved ones if you’re concerned about opioid misuse or addiction. Encourage your loved ones to get help if they need it. Help them look for treatment, and offer to go with them to their first appointment. Your support can make a difference. Treatment Support Learn the signs of a quality treatment center at goo.gl/X1FCGW. Find opioid treatment options in your state at goo.gl/Gtkv9C. Follow these tips to protect yourself and those you care about. Tips to Reduce Risk Only take prescription medication that is prescribed to you. Don’t share medication with others. Take the medicine as prescribed. Don’t use medications in greater amounts, more often, or longer than directed by your doctor. Keep medicines in a safe place. It’s best to store prescription opioids in a place that can be locked—like a keyed medicine cabinet—to keep them secure from children and visitors. Dispose of expired or unused prescription opioids. Remove them from your home as soon as possible to reduce the chance that others will misuse them. To get rid of prescription opioids and other medications safely: • Check with your pharmacist to see if you can return them to the pharmacy. • Find a medicine take-back option near you at takebackday.dea.gov. Hear real stories about recovery from prescription opioids at cdc.gov/RxAwareness.

Prevent Addiction Fact Sheet

This face sheet contains information for patients about preventing opioid addiction.
Download the fact sheet.
What You Need to Know About Treatment and Recovery There is hope. Recovery is possible. Addiction Is A Disease Opioids are highly addictive, and they change how the brain works. Anyone can become addicted, even when opioids are prescribed by a doctor and taken as directed. In fact, millions of people in the United States suffer from opioid addiction. Signs of Opioid Addiction A major warning sign of addiction is if a person keeps using opioids even though taking them has caused problems—like trouble keeping a job, relationship turmoil, or run-ins with law enforcement. Other signs can include:1 Opioid Use Disorder Sometimes referred to as “opioid addiction,” opioid use disorder is a chronic and relapsing disease that affects the body and brain. It can cause difficulties with tasks at work, school, or home, and can affect someone’s ability to maintain healthy relationships. It can even lead to overdose and death. Trying to stop or cut down on drug use, but not being able to. Taking one drug to get over the effects of another. Using drugs because of being angry or upset with other people. Being scared at the thought of running out of drugs. Stealing drugs or money to pay for drugs. Overdosing on drugs. To learn more about opioid misuse, go to cdc.gov/RxAwareness. 1 findtreatment.gov/content /understanding-addiction/addiction-can-affect-anyone Recovery Is Possible Recovery does not happen overnight. Asking for help from family, friends, co-workers, and others can make a big difference. Tell them your reasons for quitting and ask them to check in with you about how things are going. If you know or suspect someone is struggling, ask if you can help. Treatment Can Help Treatment can help people get their lives back before it is too late. No single treatment method is right for everyone, but research shows that combining behavioral therapy with medication is the most effective approach for overcoming opioid addiction. Addiction is a disease that for many involves long-term follow-up and repeated care to be effective and prevent relapse. When people make a recovery plan that includes medication for opioid use disorder, their chances of success increase. Medications can help normalize brain chemistry, relieve cravings, and in some cases prevent withdrawal symptoms. Medication-Assisted Treatment Options Talk with your doctor to find out what types of medication are available in your area and what options are best for you. Be sure to ask about the risk of relapse and overdose. Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator: findtreatment.samhsa.gov Opioid Treatment Program Directory by State: dpt2.samhsa.gov/treatment/ directory.aspx Health Center Locator: findahealthcenter.hrsa.gov Mental Health and Addiction Insurance Help: hhs.gov/programs/topic-sites/ mental-health-parity/mentalhealth-and-addiction-insurancehelp/index.html Find Treatment Services Use these resources to find services that fit your needs: Methadone • Available as daily liquid • Can only be used in a certified opioid treatment program setting Buprenorphine • Available as dissolving tablet, cheek film, or 6-month implant under the skin • Can be prescribed by a doctor for use outside of a clinic Naltrexone • Can be prescribed by any healthcare provider who can legally prescribe medication • Only used for people who have not used opioids for at least 7–10 days Additional resources to access help: • Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) • Decisions in Recovery: Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder • Facing Addiction in America | The Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health

Opioid Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Fact Sheet

This fact sheet contains important information about treatment and recovery of opioid use disorder for patients, families and friends.
Download the fact sheet
What is Fentanyl? Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is approximately 50 times more potent than morphine. Many people are exposed to fentanyl without knowledge while others use it intentionally because of its potency. Overdose deaths in the United States exceeded 100,000 in a 12-month period for the first time! 64%of these deaths involved synthetic opioids, mainly illicitly manufactured fentanyls (IMFs) (May 2020-April 2021). This is up from the more than 91,000 overdose deaths that occurred the previous year (December 2019-December 2020). Synthetic opioids (i.e., illegal fentanyl) appear to be the main driver of the 38.4% increase in overdose deaths from 2019 to 2020. Although the northeast region continues to suffer the highest overdose deaths, several regions of the country showed sharp increases in IMF related deaths. Northeast – 3/5% increase; 5,194 deaths Midwest – 33.1% increase; 2,010 deaths South – 64.7% increase; 4, 342 deaths West – 93.9% increase; 1, 852 death *In jurisdictions participating in State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System (SUDORS) Fentanyl is impacting minorities at an alarming rate. Non-Hispanic Blacks had the highest mortality rate due to synthetic opioids other than methadone in 2020. In addition, from 2013-2020, the highest changes in this rate were for: non-Hispanic Blacks, Hispanics, non-Hispanic Whites. Overdose deaths involving IMF rose 47.6-fold among Non-Hispanic Blacks. Overdose deaths involving IMF rose 35.7-fold among Hispanics. Overdose deaths involving IMF rose 15.9-fold among Non-Hispanic Whites. You can help save lives – Carry Naloxone! An overdose can happen anywhere. If you suspect an opioid overdose, administer naloxone and get emergency medical assistance right away. Naloxone is a small, easy to carry medicine that rapidly reverse an opioid overdose. Looking for Naloxone? Visit: naloxoneforall.org How to recognize the signs of an overdose A person will appear to be unresponsive; may have irregular breathing; may appear gray, blue, or have pale skin color; and may have very small pupils. How to reverse an overdose – Immediate action saves lives! Good Samaritan Laws protect you when you are trying to help someone in need. Call 911 immediately – call 911, or direct someone nearby to call and say that you are supporting a suspected overdose. Administer Naloxone – Even though the person is unresponsive: 1) announce that you are going to give naloxone 2) spray the naloxone in the person’s nose. Administer CPR – Tilt the individual’s head to make sure their airways are open. Apply chest compressions. Give Naloxone again – Administer additional naloxone if the person does not regain color or breathing, otherwise continue chest compressions, until help arrives. Remain calm and comforting – If the person is revived, remain calm and compassionate and encourage them to accept help or stay in a public place. Harm reduction is all about keeping people safe in a practical way. Simple tips are to: Carry Naloxone Never Use Alone Go Slow Test Your Drugs Test your drugs for fentanyl Fentanyl test strips can be used to determine the presence of fentanyl in your substance Even if your drugs test negative for fentanyl, use caution and remember the harm reduction steps to take.

What is Fentanyl? Infographic

This infographic was developed by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
Download the infographic


This guide for families touches on the critical role families play in the recovery process and outlines practical ways families can support their loved ones in avoiding relapse and overdose during reentry.
The most innovative leaders in progressive addiction treatment in the US offer a groundbreaking, science-based guide to helping loved ones overcome addiction problems and compulsive behaviors.
This publication by the Office of the Surgeon General provides an overview of the opioid epidemic in the United States and offers resources for individuals, families, and communities affected by opioid use disorder.
Fueled by drugs like heroin, fentanyl and the misuse of prescription pain pills, the opioid epidemic in our country has impacted countless families. To help address this, the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids created a new eBook — Heroin, Fentanyl & Other Opioids: A Comprehensive Resource for Families with a Teen or Young Adult Struggling with Opioid Use. Parents and families need to be prepared with the knowledge and skills to identify opioids, spot early use and take action effectively.
This guide offers parents the information they need to raise children who understand the risks of substance use. This guide includes an overview of substance use among children, youth, and young adults; descriptions of substances young people may use; a look at risk factors that may make children, youth, and young adults try alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs—and protective factors that help offset those risks; age-specific suggestions for how to talk to young people about alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs; and tips on what parents can do if they suspect their child is using alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs. The guide, “Growing Up Drug-Free: A Parent’s Guide to Prevention,” was funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration and U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Supportive Schools.
A compilation of essays by individuals supported by Medication-Assisted Treatment in long-term recovery.

Webinars & Online Learning

Current News & Research

DEA Reports Widespread Threat of Fentanyl Mixed with Xylazine

WASHINGTON - The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration is warning the American public of a sharp increase in the trafficking of fentanyl mixed with xylazine. Xylazine, also known as “Tranq,” is a powerful sedative that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved for veterinary use.  

The Opioid Epidemic’s Toll on Children

This article from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health discusses the opioid epidemics toll on children.